Solved: Anyone Having Trouble With Mtext?

Posted on by admin

Dec 21, 2010  Just wanted to know if anyone knows why every time I go to modify my text. It rotates in 90 degrees. So say it's already horizontal and then when I go to fix it, or add more to it, it rotates it vertically and then I have to rotate it back every time!!!! When i switched it to ArialUnicode the problem was solved (i could edit the Mtext. 'Fat' text in AutoCAD. Jason E Roberts. And the font that I'm having problems with is not an SHX font, but a TTF (Arial) so the layer you have it on does not affect its output. Problem solved. It's so simple that it's embarrassing that I didn't think of it sooner.

  1. Having Trouble Breathing

Dear R-helpers, I have trouble aligning an expression with a subscript, and text, in margin text: par(mar=c(6,6,1,1)) b. Dear R-helpersI have trouble aligning an expression with a subscript, and text, in margin text: par(mar=c(6,6,1,1)) b mtext(c('A','B','C'), at=b, side=1, line=1, cex=1.3) mtext(expression(italic(C)a(moretext)), at=0, line=1side=1,cex=1.3) As explained in the help files and elsewhere, I understand that the expression is aligned by the bounding box, not the lower end of the 'text' in the expression. Playing with adj or padj in mtext does not really solve this? Any suggestions or workarounds? PS, I tried using a phantom expression for the text bits; but this messes up the horizontal alignment).

Solved:Anyone having trouble with amazon today

Having Trouble Breathing

I couldn't understand from your statement what you were 'having trouble' with achieving, and even after running your example I am still not clear. If your goal is to get the bottom the the expression lined up with the bottom of the axis labels inserted with mtext then try padj=.2 - David Winsemius, MD West Hartford, CT mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.