Nvivo 10 For Mac
- NVivo 10, Mac, NVivo Server 10, Windows, NCapture for Internet Explorer, Windows, NCapture for Chrome, Windows or Mac.
- If you want to convert an NVivo for Mac (Version 10) project to the NVivo 11 for Windows format, you must first open (and upgrade) the project using NVivo for Mac (Version 11), then convert the project using NVivo 11 for Windows.
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Downloads Download software updates and full version software here. Need advice or help? Visit our frequently asked questions for step-by-step instructions on and the. Download QSR Software If you are an existing QSR software user, and you purchase a new computer or rebuild your existing computer, you will need to reinstall the full version of our software. We recommend that you install the most up to date versions, which can be accessed via the appropriate links below. The use of this software is covered under your existing license agreement. Where applicable you will need to use your current license key to install the software.
Older versions:. Before installing, read this. Before installing, read this Note: If you’re working with NVivo across multiple computers, such as in a team, we recommend all computers have the same version of NVivo installed. To find out which version of NVivo you’re using, see the instructions below. Updates for QSR Software We're always looking for ways to improve our software. Our minor releases, service packs and hotfixes update your existing programs and provide a range of enhancements.
Typically, your QSR software will notify you when a new update is available. If you want to check for updates or install an update manually however, you can do so below. If you don’t know the version number of your software read instructions below to identify this information. Find out which version of NVivo is currently installed on your computer Find the software version number on the ‘About’ screen in your software.

To access this screen:. NVivo for Windows - click File Help About NVivo. NVivo for Mac - click NVivo About NVivo Update to latest browsers For NCapture you can find the software version number via your browser:. In I nternet Explorer 8 and 9 - click Tools Manage Add-ons. In Google Chrome, click the Chrome menu, then click More Tools Extensions.
For NVivo for Teams (NVivo Server 11, NVivo Server 10) you can find the software version number on the ‘ Home’ tab of NVivo Server Manager. Download NCapture and other NVivo add-ons To check if these add-ons are already installed. If necessary, you can install or update them manually by following the instructions below. NCapture for Chrome This add-on can be used with NVivo 11 Pro for Windows, NVivo 11 Plus for Windows and NVivo for Mac. It can be installed from the Chrome Store. It is also available as an option when installing NVivo Pro and NVivo Plus.
The following free add-ons are available as options when installing NVivo 11 for Windows only. NCapture for Internet Explorer (NVivo Pro and NVivo Plus). NVivo Add-In for OneNote. Note: Once installed NCapture for Internet Explorer and NVivo Add-In for OneNote will automatically check for software updates and notify you when an update is available. You will be prompted to download and install the new version. NCapture for Chrome will update automatically within the browser.
. Open a project created in NVivo for Mac (Version 10) If you open a project created in NVivo for Mac (Version 10), a converted (upgraded) copy of the project is created—your original project is retained. Open an NVivo for Mac (.nvpx) project, by doing one of the following:. Choose File Open Project., and then select the.nvpx project file you want to open, and then click Open. On the Welcome to NVivo window, click the Open Other button and select the project, and then click Open. When prompted, click Upgrade and Open Project.
(Optional) Choose a different location or change the file name for the converted project. NOTE By default the converted project is saved in the same location as the original file and '(NVivo 11)' is appended to the file name. Click Save. NOTE. Classified nodes are converted to case nodes, and are stored in the Cases folder.
Nvivo 10 For Mac
If you want to work with a project that was created in an earlier version of NVivo on the Windows platform, you must first open it in NVivo 11 for Windows, convert it to the NVivo 11 for Windows project format, and then export it as an NVivo 11 for Mac project (.nvpx) file. For more information, refer to the. Related topics.