Interesting People: Ie 5 For Mac

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Continuing in its campaign to attract Mac users to its traditionally pc-focused software, Microsoft was slated to release its latest version of Internet Explorer for the Mac OS X Monday. At press time, however, the Redmond-based software giants download site showed no sign of the new version, leaving Mac-users again left waiting. Internet Explorer 5.2 aims to correct some of the technical, stability and visual faults of its predecessor, IE 5.1. The new version adds Quartz text smoothing, which makes for smoother scrolling and an easier read on Web Pages. 'We think people will be extremely pleased with the new rendering abilities of Internet Explorer,' said Kevin Browne, general manager of the Macintosh Business Unit at Microsoft.

Interesting People: Ie 5 For Mac Free

[Review] Internet Explorer 5 New Features Roars Past Netscape Communicator (With Benchmarks) Internet Explorer 5 by Michael Munger. Internet Explorer 5 is the latest upgrade for. Microsoft hacks IE 5.5 for Mac. July 6, 2000. But no one appeared to return the MacHack CD, which includes the first beta version of Internet Explorer 5.5. I have a Mac Book with Mountain Lion OS X and one thing I missed was Internet Explorer. The version 10 is really fast and simple to use, personally it is better than Safari. 13 comments on “ Internet Explorer 10 For Mac OS ” Cecil Nena says: August 27, 2018 at 11:47 am. People who were telling that IE now works faster than Safari.

'Our goal is to continue to provide the best browser available for the Mac platform.'

MacIE had one of the strangest and saddest histories I've seen, of any product. MacIE 5 was an awesome release, critically aclaimed and everything, with a good development team and a strong testing team, that included daily performance measurement. And yet, almost immediately after 5.0 was released, the MacIE team was redeployed to work on a set-top DVR box. The notion at the time was that the team would continue to do MacIE work in their spare time, since IE 5 was the leader among Mac browsers and no longer needed a full-time team. The problem with that notion was that WebTV, the team's new bosses, had no reason to actually schedule any time for real IE work. So later, when that particular set-top box got cancelled, the IE team got redployed for other WebTV work, and since this was now out of MacBU's control, nothing could really be done.

3 or 4 years went by before enough people in the Mac division wanted to resume work on IE, and when it looked like we might actually need the technology, as a base for MSN-for-Mac, the IE 6 team was formed. It got a firm OS X-only foundation, a new even more complient browser base, and then suddenly it became apparent that Apple was doing their own browser, because, well, there were lots of small clues, but the big clues was that Apple had started calling the old Mac IE team offering them jobs. By that time the Mac division had formally committed to MSN-for-Mac-OSX, so it's not like we were completely going to stop work. But a meeting was held internally, the outcome of which was that it didn't make sense to build our own browser if Apple was going to bundle one, because the marketshare and mindshare of the distant-second-place browser, on the distant-second-place platform, wasn't worth pursuing. A week later we had a meeting with high-up people at Apple, where they told us they were doing a browser. And the week after that, after confirming it with Bill Gates, who was reportedly sad but understanding of the decision, MacIE was officially shut down. MSN-for-MacOSX went ahead, and was also critically acclaimed, but once released, indications were that the number of users was about the same as the number of developers.

After that, MacBU concentrated once again on the next Office release, and MacIE has been well and truly and permanently dead ever since. Over the whole sad journey, the single most surprising thing I ever discovered was from a small conversation that went: Me: 'Look, if it makes sense to devote dozens of people to WinIE, then surely it makes sense to devote half a dozen to MacIE!' Higher-up: 'There aren't dozens of people on WinIE. WinIE had some great people on it! We need those great people on products that make money!' Me: 'Then why on earth did we pursue IE in the first place? Just so that the DOJ would sue us?'

Higher-up: Some day I hope to get a proper answer on our motivation to do WinIE and MacIE in the first place. It seems to be that we were scared of not having control of the HTML standard. And indeed, now that Firefox is gaining traction, Microsoft has added more people to WinIE again. Epilogue: All of this made it a lot more easy for me to quit and go work at Google Reminder: I may or may not be leaving some parts out for NDA reasons. A lot of what he says is true; but the story is more complex than this and there were many other factors that came into play. Issues which he doesn't cover.primarily because he wasn't working on the product much until the last few months of development:. Mac IE was the first real browser running on Mac OS X.

We had it running on Developer Preview 2 and it shipped on the Public Beta CD-ROM. That was a great engineering achievement but it came at a very high price. Developing for OS X in those early days was a nightmare and we spent so much time struggling with OS bugs and changing APIs that precious time that could have been used to improve the product was wasted just trying to maintain compatibility with each new beta release of OS X. Apple was a pain in the ass sometimes. For a company with such great PR, they really were very unprofessional and treated developers poorly.

I know that the OS X transition was tough, but there are so many stories I could tell of stupidity at Apple and policies which made no sense.but I won't. I'll just say that Apple had a lot more involvement in the development of Mac IE and it's eventual end than Jorg 'jbx' gives them credit for. There were times during the last two years of working at Microsoft that I really hated Apple's management.which was very difficult for me being such a loyal fan of their products and having so many friends who worked there. No clear direction from our management was the last major factor which Jorg touched upon but is important to mention again. Towards the end, we had some major changes in management at the MacBU and the new team was inexperienced both with the products they were managing and how to deal with Apple. They were further handicapped by lack of clear direction by our execs who were too busy worrying about AOL, the DOJ, and our stock price. Anyway, enough about the history.

Mac IE is dead, and it's up to Apple and the Mozilla team to continue to innovate for us Mac users. Online sex games for mac. Sadly, there are still many very useful features in Mac IE that neither company has replicated in their browsers and there are still too many sites which don't look right in Safari.

I remember calling up CNN and ESPN and getting them to fix problems in their worked and I hope Apple has a group of people doing the same thing. Since Microsoft will no longer be offering Mac IE 5 for download on their website, I'm going to provide a community service by linking to it here.

It has not been totally replaced and at least I need a place to be able to download it from for my own personal use.but you'll have to know what to click on to download it.;-) If you ever want to know who the people behind Mac IE 5 were, just type 'about:tasman' in the address bar of Mac IE and you'll get a list of the people who put their heart and soul into making it such a remarkable and successful product. I have to laugh (and cry) a bit at Jimmy's comment concerning Apple's management. Apple has screwed over developers time and time again, even while at the same time giving them lots of lip service and spending lots of time and money on developer programs. The tip of the iceberg: no Mac program written prior to 1999 will run - at all - on the new Intel-based Macs.

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In fact, most 2001 programs won't either. (By contrast, many 1984 run on today's machines) More to the point: A Mac developer from 1998 who was 100% up-to-date on Apple's technologies will find today that those technologies have all been either deprecated (in favor of Cocoa or Intel) or outright eliminated (intelligent memory management through Handles, trap-patching, MixedMode expertise). It's all part of Steve Jobs' 'they have no respect for the status quo' - a nice quote until you discover yourself at the receiving end of it.