Dropping 1.5 Support For Mac

Posted on by admin

Are they going to drop XP version too. XP was out in 2001 4 years older then 10.4?

  1. Java 1 5 Support
  2. Java Runtime Environment 1 5 Support

Did you read the article? It’s not about dropping support for old OSs just because they’re old. It’s about dropping support for old OSs that also happen to be a pain in the ass to support because of different libraries and API’s available. Microsoft happens to be better at background compatibility than Apple in this respect, so I assume that supporting XP is not a huge chore. Also XP still has significantly greater percentage share of the Windows market than 10.4 has of the OSX market.

I agree with Chaos One! Saying “Safari doesn’t have to deal with this seems misinformed or disingenuous at best”. Since Safari in its current release DOES work on 10.4. Also, the “Chrome doesn’t do it either” is comparing yourself to someone who you know is NOT doing the right thing in so far as offering anything for users of 10.4 (or PowerPC for that matter! How is it that software based on Webkit and Safari, both PowerPC native, is incompatible with PowerPC?! Guess it takes some doing! Whatever they add like the Javascript engine must be x86 assembly and Google is too chintzy to pay for one full time developer to recode that part in PowerPC assembly instead it would seem to me) and saying “I’m no worse!” rather than “I’m better!”.

  1. Valve's Steam is dropping support for macOS Yosemite & earlier in 2019. By Roger Fingas Monday, December 17, 2018, 05:56 am PT (08:56 am ET). Including not just Mac and Windows but Linux as well.
  2. Apple Dropping Back to My Mac Feature: What to Do Now. Apple's support page provides instructions on how to move from Back to My Mac to iCloud Drive, screen sharing, and Apple Remote Desktop.

When did “I’m no worse!” become the ultimate goal of quality and availability? I for one found it refreshingly good when Apple dropped Safari support for 10.3 and Firefox kept working. Wasn’t one of the great strengths of open source vs. Proprietary that you were let off the upgrade treadmill? Seems they are forgetting to hold up that end of the bargain!

Apple Releases iOS 11.2.5 With Support for HomePod and Siri Audio News. Another friend only had it on his Mac. So it could be that one of each of our devices was in the test group.

Java 1 5 Support

On one and the same developer system (10.4) you can concurrently host both XCode 2.x and 3.x, and thus produce both Intel and PowerPC binaries targeted to 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 and I think even 10.6. So lack of Apple supplied tools flexible enough to do the job is NOT holding them back. And while Apple has a well deserved reputation for secrecy and maybe even at times lack of documentation around proprietary APIs/software, I’d wager this is more a case of “Firefox developers are tired of 10.4 not because it’s old (XP and maybe some supported Linux distros being older) but because they prefer to work on newer Mac OS X releases”. Edited 2010-02-10 01:21 UTC. Certainly true.

Java Runtime Environment 1 5 Support

It just feels like things are moving very fast here. Just to check on my sanity, I assembled the following from Wikipedia. Safari 4’s system requirements go back to the G3. Macs using this CPU were long out of the shop before Safari was introduced IIRC.

Safari 4 runs on Tiger, which predates Snow Leopard and Leopard. As my iMac is away for repairs I’m using an iMac G4 from around 2002 and it runs Safari 4 without any problems. I am using it to type this. If the guy with the Apple shirt told me I could still use a G4 8 years later on running the latest version of Safari (and iTunes for that matter) I wouldn’t have believed him.


Four years though, over 1,500 days ago that post was made by Notch. Yet here we are, still, with Mojang doing everything but fixing ancient bugs and keeping to old promises. There have been many, very large and well done, quality games created from start to finish in the time since Notch posted that on his blog, yet here we are. Just as an example, Introversion Software, a game company not known at all for it's speedy development and smaller than Mojang, has gone from a very basic prototype and some ideas in a very nearly completed game in under three years and is slated for official release by the third year mark. They didn't have a mod API in their first alpha, but they added a basic one in under a month and have improved it greatly.

If Introversion can do it, so can Mojang. There is absolutely zero excuses for it having taken this long, and I'm amazed that people still defend them. I haven't played Minecraft in a very long time now, but still find it amusing when news like this shows up. And everyone defends Mojang like they are some infallible game development company that can do no wrong. 'Hey, you know that modding API we promised? Let's not do anything about that and add features no one cares about and have no business being here like EXP bars, hunger, horses, cauldrons and these weird funnel things!


Sounds like a plan! And I'll even add these bullshit things called 'command blocks' so people think we are working on the modding API we forgot about! Is what it sure feels like happened.