Belkin F5u508 Drivers For Mac

There's the problem. The version 4 (or 4000) of this wireless adaptor no longer works with Ralink drivers, apparently you need to install the ZyDAS 1211 chipset ones instead: That one should work.
I'm in the middle of trying to get these drivers running on my Mac right this moment, which is how I found your post.grin. OK, an update: I installed the above-linked drivers and the wireless adaptor worked, however before I could get it to connect to any wireless networks I had to configure the en1 device in my system preferences, and THEN run the Wlan utility to choose a wireless network. Try that on your system if you have problems getting the Wlan utility to recognize your wireless network in its list. I had to set up the en1 to use DHCP and Apply the changes to make the IP configuration 'active' before Wlan could see the network list. Strangely I found that my DHCP server wouldn't respond over WEP-enabled transit, but on a non-WEP connection to my network, the DHCP worked.
Aug 8, 2018 - BELKIN F5U508 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS 7 - This amount is. Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X. Instructions: Download the file to a location where you know you can find it. Make sure the location you are downloading the file to does not have any other setup.exe files. Once the file is downloaded, locate and double-click on it. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Belkin F5u508 Drivers For Mac Pro
This could be driver bug, perhaps? Good luck, Steve. Mac noobie here.
So pls bear with me (im a pc guy) long story short, my mom 'inherited' my sister's old imac (g4, osx 10.3). I have wifi setup in the place so i wanted my mom to be able to connect etc etc. But it doesnt have a built in airport thingie and i didnt want to spend all that much so i was able to purchase the belkin f5d7050 v4000. Ok here's the problem. I got the zydas driver loaded, the belkin stick lights up (yellow), the wlan utility is in the docking bar. I check in the system profiler and in the usb section, the belkin usb wlan shows up. I go to network settings and it doesnt detect a new port.
So i cant fix the wlan utility as well. What do i do? Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch. I've got the F5D7050 v4 working on my Uphuck 10.4.9 installation, but it goes extremely slow when I'm using WPA-TSK. It connects perfectly without any encryption, but it downloads at like 20 kb/sec if I'm using WPA.
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Has anybody else experienced this? I'm using version 4.5.7 of the Zydas drivers and of the Zydas 'utility.' Edit: Even without encryption, I'm downloading at like 550 kb/sec over my local area connection. That's not even close to what it should be over a 54 mbps connection. Does anybody else's F5D7050 work at full speed? I recently got OSX running on my AMD system and am working on getting wireless working. After a couple hours of trying to get my Linksys PCI wireless card runnig I gave up and went to best buy for the Belkin 7050 because there seems to have been a LOT of success with that.
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I put it in the USB port, got a light on the unit but nothing in the system profiler. So I thought it might be a fluke and install the ZD1211 driver because I have ver. 4000 of the adapter.
Still nothing. At this point I have the WLAN config utility available but no adapter available, either in the config or in the system profiler. Any suggestions??