Alton Brown Essay

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Submitted By donnambrown Words 1005 Pages 5 Course Name: Intro to Legal Ethics Instructor: Brent Halbleib Assignment: Unit 3 Confidentiality and Attorney/Client Privilege Name: Donna Marie Brown Date: July 26, 2015 Possible Points: 100 Confidentiality and Attorney- Client Privilege Donna Marie Brown Kaplan University Confidentiality and the Alton Logan Case “Sometimes trying to make wrongful conviction right, creates an ethical tension for civil and criminal attorneys. With any kind of practice, but mostly with criminal defense, a lawyer may learn from a client that they committed a crime ascribed to someone else. When an innocent person is faced with conviction, imprisonment, or in some cases, the death penalty, and the attorney is mindful of the injustice occurring to a third party, the lawyer is still bound by the rules of confidentiality to honor their commitment to their client.” (Strutin, 2015) And this begins the case with Mr.

  1. Alton Brown Divorce
Alton brown essay examples

In 1982, Alton Logan was convicted of killing a security guard at a Chicago-area McDonalds. Even though the testimony that Logan was at home when the murder happened, the jury still found him guilty of first degree murder And to top it off, the two attorneys, Dale Coventry and Jamie Kunz, knew Logan was innocent.

And how did this knowledge come about? Andrew Wilson, the attorneys’ client, admitted to the murder. The two attorneys who were representing Wilson, for killing two policemen, was told by Wilson that he was also guilty of killing the security guard at McDonalds.

But because of the attorney-client privilege, Coventry and Kunz kept Wilson’s confession to themselves and allowed an innocent man spend 26 years in prison. (Courant, 2008) So what is this Attorney-Client Confidentiality? As defined in Wikipedia,” the Attorney-Client privilege is an American legal concept that protects certain communications between a client and his or her attorney.Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, and Nonrepudiation. Carlos F Rentas Strayer University CIS 333 November 17, 2012 Prof.

Alton Brown Divorce

Your pupils 10 to 20 added points when they complete a three to five-page essay on a research topic that you select. Put a dab of oil in the pan before you place the parchment paper so the paper will stay in place while the batter is poured in. Thank you Alton Brown for sharing your recipes. My family loved watching you on tv.

  1. It has been nearly two years since Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Mo., and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. Michael Brown’s Mom, on Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
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Thrall Working as an Information Security Officer, our firm was task for a client who is small software company currently using a Microsoft Server 2008 Active Directory domain and is administered by a limited number of over-tasked network administrators. The rest of the client’s staff is mostly software developers and a small number of administrative personnel. The client has decided that it would be in their best interest to use a public key infrastructure (PKI) to provide a framework that facilitates confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation. Fundamentals of PKI. Public Key Infrastructure is a security architecture created to provide a high level of confidence for exchanging information over the internet that has become more and more insecure lately. The term can be very confusing, because it is used to mean several different things; for instance PKI may mean the technologies, techniques, and methods that used together provide a secure infrastructure. Additionally PKI may mean the use of a public key and private key pair for authentication mainly as well as “proof of content”.

This uses a mathematical technique known as public key cryptography which uses a pair of related cryptographic keys to verify the identity of the sender (signing), and ensuring privacy (encryption). Words: 1197 - Pages: be answered is, 'If a counselor is an associate Pastor on staff or even just solely a counselor should the Senior/Sole Pastor be made aware of details on every client, since it is important for the Pastors to know their flock in order to best know how to lead and tend them, or does confidentiality apply always strictly between counselor and counselee'.

It is important to start off understanding what Counselor confidentiality is at its most fundamental nature. It is the responsibility of a therapist or counselor to hold any proprietary or personal information supplied by a patient in the strictest of confidence. It is a generally accepted ethic that breaking counselor confidentiality by revealing the type of information stated above, without the expressed permission of the patient, is considered highly unethical.

Keep in mind, however, that in Standards B.1.d, the ACA Code of Ethics requires counselors to fully inform their clients of the limits of confidentiality (ACA, 2005). Also, HIPPA- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-actually gives a list of nearly two pages of things where confidentiality may be breached legally ( Counselor confidentiality in a 'classical' setting, which is the viewpoint we have been speaking from thus far, is designed to allow patients the freedom to share information about themselves that is private in nature, but is important to the process of helping the individual overcome whatever emotional. Words: 2412 - Pages: 10.Explain informed consent and confidentiality to the client.

Informed consent involves the counselor explaining the benefits and risks of counseling as well as its alternatives. It also allows the counselor permission to record counseling sessions in writing, and via video and auditory means. In an educational institution setting, informed consent allows students to observe counseling sessions. Once these issues are explained to the potential client, the client is asked to sign legal documents that state the client understands and agrees to the services to be provided and their potential dangers.

When counseling minors, informed consent must come from a parent. While explaining the pros and cons of counseling to the parent, the counselor must also explain the necessity of confidentiality in the therapeutic relationship with a minor. A confidentiality form is presented during the discussion of confidentiality. In adhering to counseling ethics, the counselor must explain that confidentiality is a promise not to discuss matters that are shared by the client with a third party unless under pre-determined exceptions. The exceptions to confidentiality include reporting information the client reveals to the counselor that suggests he or she is a danger to him or herself or others.

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For example: If a client talks about killing himself and identifies that he has a plan and the means to execute that plan, it is the counselor's ethical responsibility to inform. Words: 350 - Pages: 2.Confidentiality in Nursing Introduction: This essay will give a brief definition regarding the principles of nursing practice, state why there are important to nursing practice. It will then explore confidentiality as a principle E of nursing practice, report why confidentiality is extremely important within nursing practice and will discuss the patient’s rights in relation to law. Relevant reference of published literature will be put forward in this essay to support the author statement.

Main body: RCN (2010) states that the Principles of nursing practice “describe what everyone can expect from nursing practice, whether they are colleagues, patients, the families or carers of patients”. There are eight Principles of nursing practice such as; Principle A: “focuses on dignity, equality, diversity and humanity” Principle B: “focuses on ethical integrity, legal integrity, accountability and responsibility”.

Principle C: “focuses on the safety of all people (patients, visitors and staff), the environment, organisational health and safety, management of risk, and clinical safety”. Principle D: “encompasses themes of advocacy, empowerment, patient-centred care, and patient involvement in their care”.

Principle E: “focuses on communication, handling feedback, record keeping, reporting and monitoring”. Principle F: “focuses on evidence-based practice, technical skills, education, training and clinical reasoning”. Principle G: “encompasses themes of.

Words: 1845 - Pages: 8.NM1704: Applying a model of nursing roper, logan and tierney model This essay explores the preoperative care provided to one patient in a London hospital during one shift. This care was influenced by the holistic perspective to health.

Arsing from the Greek for ‘whole’ this acknowledges physiological, psychological and social factors impacting the patient’s condition. (McFerran & Martin, 2008) It seeks to offer treatment inclusive of these factors rather than treating physical symptoms of a diagnosed disease in isolation. This essay will examine this within a Model of Nursing used in my clinical placement area - the Roper, Logan and Tierney model. The identities of both hospital and patient have been altered to maintain confidentiality and comply with the NMC Code of Conduct.

(Council, 2008) During my placement I worked on a coronary care unit where I cared for a patient herein called Peter, a 60 year old White British male. Peter was single, lived alone and unemployed. He had a history of low mood and was admitted to a neighbouring hospital suffering symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome (acute confusion, delusions and tremors). This arises when an individual reduces or stops alcohol consumption after prolonged periods of excessive alcohol intake. This can lead to tolerance, physical dependence and physical disturbances upon withdrawal due to the central nervous system reacting in a hyper-excitable state.

(, 2010) He was transferred to my. Words: 3559 - Pages: 15.The Importance of Confidentiality Within the healthcare sector there is an ethical code known as a ‘Care Value Base’ (CVB). The CVB helps to govern healthcare workers, and provides guidance as to how to act in particular situations. Its purpose is to eliminate discrimination and poor healthcare, while protecting the rights of the service user. One important ‘right’ to be upheld within healthcare, is a person’s right to confidentiality. Confidentiality requires withholding information, personal or otherwise, and not sharing it with anyone without consent.

Patient confidentiality is particularly important within a healthcare environment as it is essential to maintain trust. “That is so they can have trust and confidence in the people who are giving them the service. A patient should be certain that, whatever their issues are, they won’t be shared with anybody else unnecessarily. That’s a basic right of every patient.” (The Nursing Times, n.d.) When ‘rights’ are upheld the service user is able to trust their doctor or nurse, and have the confidence to divulge their personal information and concerns. This means the service providers are then able to deliver the highest quality of care, because the service user feels safe and comfortable communicating. However as suggested above by the Nursing Times, sometimes it is necessary to break confidentiality. This occurs when to do otherwise would endanger others, or be a serious breach of criminal law.

The CVB plays an important. Words: 830 - Pages: 4.February 2nd, 2014 Breaking confidentiality is never ethical and is also losing faith between the patient-nurse relationships or amongst healthcare providers. The minute a patient walks into a health care setting they feel a trusting bond with the providers and expect reciprocation.

Department of health and human services has the office of civil rights which imposes the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” (HIPAA) which protects patient information. Breaches of confidentiality are taken seriously by the office of civil rights and any breach of unsecured health information will be analyzed, and the person responsible will be prosecuted. All healthcare providers are expected to follow basic ethical principles during their practice and they are: “Respect for autonomy, Veracity, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Fidelity, and Justice” (Maurer & Smith, 2013). These ethical principles are implemented and mandated through standards of practice and federal law in all healthcare and professional organizations. According to the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) standard of codes, the most important ethical principle is “respect for the inherent dignity and worth of human existence and the individuality of all persons” (Maurer & Smith, pg. When a patient arrives to the hospital the first task the patient goes through is to sign an informed consent form, also known as advanced directive which is done for confidentiality purposes.

On Feb 24, 2000. Words: 1065 - Pages: 5.Confidentiality Procedure Purpose of Policy Little Dreams Nursery is committed to keeping information about children, parents and carers and staff as confidential as possible. At Little Dreams Nursery we respect every parent and child's rights to confidentiality; with this in mind would all parents please be aware of the following points.

Who is Responsible It is the responsibility of all members of staff to ensure that all confidential information including personal records for children, parents and staff remains confidential and within the confines of the setting. The information stored in the nursery files about the children is available only to Setting staff and the individual child's parents. This information is stored securely. Please see the Data Protection and Information Sharing Policies for further details. Parents and carers should feel that they can talk to a member of setting staff in complete confidence, if you would like this please speak to the member of staff of your choice, this information will not be shared unless it is in the best interests of the child, if the information is shared parents should feel secure that only setting staff will be privy to this information. Parents will be asked for their permission if the information is to be shared out-with the setting.

Any information given to us about parents or children at the nursery will be treated with the utmost respect and will remain confidential to all except for nursery staff. (Please note: staff.

Words: 607 - Pages: 3.OM Logan Airport Assignment a) Delays: 50: 6.55 minutes 55: 12.52 minutes 59: 60.5 minutes Costs: Assuming we use two runways, and that by total cost they mean total cost for all the planes arriving.successor firm can continue to represent the same client using any member, including the sued lawyer? Can the successor firm represent the client in the pending matters through members excluding the sued lawyer? Can the successor firm represent the client with respect to one or more matters pending at the time of filing of malpractice suit against the individual lawyer and predecessor firm using lawyers who were not members of the predecessor firm? The lawyer must examine the situation impartially and carefully in a thought out manner, and arrive at a conclusion that the interest of the client in the ongoing matter as well as the future representation of the client will not be adversely affect. The test should consider how the confidentiality of the information protected by the lawyer-client privilege, as well as other secrets of the client will be handled in the future. The lawyer must believe the clients interest will not be adversely affected.

If the lawyer disputes the malpractice claim, it’s not likely he should represent the client. If there’s no question to the malpractice and the lawyer is settling, it’s okay to represent. MRPC 1.10(a) indicates that when a lawyer associated with a firm is disqualified from representing a client, the firm is disqualified. If representation is to occur the client need to consent, and each member must administer the same test. RI-25 May 18, 1989 SYLLABUS A lawyer may not represent a client in other matters while the. Words: 1419 - Pages: 6.Unit 3 Assignment, Alton Logan Case Kaplan University Alton Logan Case The case of Alton Logan, is one of an innocent man of whom was charged, as well as sentenced for the murder of a security guard in which he did not commit. The true murderer, Andrew Wilson, had also committed two other murders of whom were police officers.

Attorneys Dale Coventry and Jamie Kunz were the attorneys for Andrew Wilson, they knew that Mr. Wilson was guilty of the murders, however, under their duty of confidentiality they were unable to break the silence and speak up for 26 long years. There was an affidavit written by the attorneys, to hold onto just in case if anytime down the line there was an opportunity to speak up, they would be able to do so. According to Rule 1.6: Confidentiality of Information (a) A lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, the disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation, or the disclosure is permitted by paragraph (b) or required by paragraph (c).

(b) A lawyer may reveal information relating to the representation of a client to the extent the lawyer reasonably believes necessary: (1) to prevent the client from committing a crime in circumstances other than those specified in paragraph (c); (2) to prevent the client from committing fraud that is reasonably certain to result in substantial injury to the financial interests or property of. Words: 885 - Pages: 4.Patient Confidentiality As healthcare providers, maintaining a patient’s confidentiality, human dignity and privacy is expected at all times. Nurses are faced with maintaining patient confidentiality on a daily basis.

The Coded of Ethics for Nurses is the framework of nonnegotiable ethical standards and obligations that all nurses are to uphold. Nurses are to be accountable for their actions and are expected to advocate and strive to protect the rights, health and safety of patients (American Nurses Association, 2011). Constant patient turnovers, visitors and numerous workers in and out of the emergency area can make it difficult for staff to maintain patient confidentiality. Due to lack of space and to give quick group report, end-of-shift report is often given in ear shot of other patients and visitors. At the structure of the hospital does not allow space so that the patients can be treated and their care discussed privately. These are a few examples that contribute to the ineffectiveness of maintaining patient confidentiality.

In this paper, strategies will be discussed to address the issue of patient confidentiality and privacy. Nurses who work in the emergency room are faced with challenge of maintaining patient confidentiality. Patient Confidentiality in the Emergency Room Emergency room staff members are faced with issues of confidentiality on a daily bases. From the beginning of the triage process, the breach of patient confidentiality begins.

Patients are. Words: 682 - Pages: 3.Confidentiality in the Classroom RD Grand Canyon University: EDU 536 December 21, 2011 U.S. Education – Current and Future Trends Confidentiality is a hot topic – in the classroom, in business and in everyday life. Guarding personal information prior to the onslaught of identity theft was important but not to the extent that it is today.

In today’s classroom protecting confidential information is a 3-fold process – protecting the student’s records, protecting personally identifiable information from the student’s record and allowing parent’s access to their child’s information. There are federal and state laws that govern confidentiality and how schools can and cannot utilize that information as outlined under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA, a federal law, applies to educational agencies or institutions that receive federal funds and protects the privacy of student educational records and assures parents the right to access those records.

FERPA also allows authorized educational personnel the right to access and review student records without prior parental consent and in situations where conduct “poses a significant risk to the safety or well-being of a student, other students, or other members of the school community” allows the district to release information from a discipline record without consent to employees who have a legitimate educational interest in a student’s behavior. In Confidentiality issues: parental rights. Words: 1254 - Pages: 6.Running head: PATIENT CONFIDENTIALITY Patient Confidentiality: Ethical Implications to Nursing Practice Grand Canyon University: NRS 437 April 3, 2012 Patient Confidentiality: Ethical Implications to Nursing Practice Patient confidentiality is a fundamental practice in healthcare and it is integral part of healthcare ethical standards (Purtilo & Dougherty, 2010). According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics “the nurse has a duty to maintain confidentiality of all patient information”(Nursingworld, p.6). When confidentiality is breached the nurse may jeopardize the wellbeing and safety of a patient. There are some exceptions to this duty such as a greater need to protect the patient and other parties or mandatory laws that protect public health (Nursingworld, 2012).

The situation presented in the article Betraying Trust or Providing Good Care? When is it okay to break confidentiality? Creates an ethical dilemma for the fictional nurse caring for a teenage patient diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease as well as related cervical cancer. The nurse eventually notifies parents because of the need for further treatment that will require consent of parents.

She also notifies the teenage patient’s school because of a concern for public health. Several valid concerns are presented in this article. First, when a patient’s confidentiality is betrayed that patient may not give full information to the healthcare team in the. Words: 916 - Pages: 4.CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT This CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT ('Agreement') is made on the 21st May of 2012.

BETWEEN STA PHARMA LIMITED, hereinafter referred to as ‘The Company’ (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context mean and include its successors-in-interest, legal representatives, executors, administrators and assignees) of the FIRST PART. AND INVESTMENTS LIMITED, hereinafter referred to as ‘FINANCIAL CONSULTANT’ (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context mean and include their heirs, successors-in-interest, legal representatives, executors, administrators and assignees) of the SECOND PART. WHEREAS Nuvista Pharma Limited is engaged in the business of pharamaceutical manufacturing & distribution and LankaBangla Investments Limited is in the business of Merchant Banking as defined in the Merchant Banker and Portfolio Manager Rules, 1996; AND WHEREAS the second part is working for an undisclosed company which is willing to acquire the first part.

In course of performing the acquisition, both The Company and second part may get or need access to and/or may need to disclose certain confidential and/or proprietary information regarding each other business plans, financial and operational services, processes, formula, data, know how, software systems, products and product development works; AND WHEREAS the both parties desire to protect such confidential and/or proprietary rights and desires to. Words: 776 - Pages: 4.

Welcome - Learn to be a better cook at the molecular level Joseph Provost and Shirley O. Corriher Two Vanderbilt Biochemists/Food Scientist! To be a better cook one needs to undersand what is happening ' inside' the food. Cooking is one of the oldest and most widespread applications of science. The goal of the class is to improve your understanding of scientific principles as it applies to cooking and food.

Alton brown

Learn how and why food tastes or cooks the way it does by understanding how biochemistry, biology, physics and chemistry works at the molecular level of food and cooking. We will focus on a different foods from salsa to chocolate to beer & distilled spirits. There will be lots of opportunities to learn as we cook in class and participate in hands-on activites. Contacts Material in this website and links (except videos and other public domain work) 'Science of Cooking' by is licensed under a.